The Soda Crackers – The Bakersfield Boogie #2 w/Kyle Eldridge
1721 19th St.
Bakersfield, CA 93301
DANCERS DELIGHT! The Soda Crackers are proud to
present the 2nd edition of the “Bakersfield Boogie” at the beautiful Nile Theater in Downtown
Bakersfield on Friday April 5th.
Continuing the newest and twangy-est concert series in Bakersfield, The Soda Crackers
are putting on another dance with the help of the fastest picker east of the Mississippi, Kyle
Eldridge from Kentucky. This night promises to be a can’t-miss show with the hottest dance
floor in town. Don’t forget the dance lesson for any and all levels of dancers before the show
starts. No partner required! Lesson starts at 6:30pm!
“The second edition of The Bakersfield Boogie’s is going to really be a barn-burner” said
Zane Adamo, 30, who serves as The Soda Crackers’ rhythm guitarist, lead vocalist, and fiddler.
“Kyle is one of the most amazing guitarists around, I promise you’ve never seen anyone like him
before! We’re very excited to share the stage with our buddy Kyle who’s coming out from